Ur-fascism is like groundwater feeding several, different local wells. I place it in context with particulate anti-Enlightenment proto-tropes as food for thought.
The standard of D'Annunzio's Fiume;
quid contra nos; "Who is against us?"
Ursa Major rests in the ouroboros.
To degrade and destroy the historical legacy of the Enlightenment, the political legacy of the modern world, and the institutional legacy of the postwar world.
I. Plowing and Tilling the Seedbed
The modern world is the offspring of the Enlightenment.I.1. The Legacy of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment arose from the tumult of the Reformation. Scientific progress was falsely linked to political progress, ultimately diffusing universalism, atomism, and egalitarianism.
I.2. The Legacy of the Modern World
The modern world has yielded cosmopolitanism, rootlessness, and democratic idolatry.
I.3. The Legacy of the Postwar World
The two World Wars and the Cold War that followed are the limping progeny of the modern world. It accelerated the deracination of man under humanism and globalism.
The old tomorrow receded behind the closing curtain of the interwar era.
II. Sowing the Seeds of Fascism
Each of the following is a variety of seeds of crop; one, two, or more can be tossed onto fertil soil, subsequently watered and cultivated for a social harvest.
§ 1. The cult of tradition in syncretic merging of icons or ideas from distinct eras.
§ 2. The rejection of modernism in disavowing Enlightenment ideas and values.
§ 3. Ignite blood, will, instinct, and passion in order to act for action's sake.
§ 4. Identify disagreement with treason and command unity by devouring dissent.
§ 5. Reject difference by enshrining national, racial, ethnic, or cultural identity.
§ 6. Encapsulate social frustration in class interests and oppose class conflict.
§ 7. Uncover and convey enemy plots as a basis for inculcating hate of the foreign.
§ 8. Exploit popular views of enemies as weak or strong to suit the circumstances.
§ 9. Uphold life as endless struggle and decline as the product of tolerance.
§ 10. Exalt a popular elitism that elevates higher and demeans lower elements.
§ 11. Project a regard for death that exalts the heroic and a regard for killing.
§ 12. Elevate traditional gender roles and enshrine the traditional family.
§ 13. Form a selective populism to remind all parts of the uniqueness of the whole
§ 14. Marshal language and compel it into the service of your political struggle.
III. The Man, the Child, and the Shadow
If we seek to labor, we could stand openly and collaboratively as a man, either openly or only collaboratively as a child, or hidden and concealed as in shadow.IV. The World's Womb
The primal well from which man, child, or shadow establishes all foundations.
V. The Infinite Unborn
The primal well from which man, child, or shadow ignites virility in our youth.
VI. The Undying Worm
The primal well from which man, child, or shadow lulls vitality and vigilance.
VII. The Mirror, the Key, and the Door
If we declare war on time we seize past, present, and future. In this, the present is like a mirror, where the past serves as a key and the future stands as a door.